I spent my day today at the Simplified Strength Seminar hosted by Sean Mcinroy at BFT Takapuna, who is a well known Australian Online Personal Trainer who I have personally followed for a year now. His well informed content and coaching style/ training ethos have taught me a lot about how I can become a better Personal Trainer and provide a better service for everyone that I train, so to meet and spend a whole day with him in person has been priceless!

Simplified Strength Seminar hosted by Sean Mcinroy

Simplified Strength Seminar hosted by Sean Mcinroy

From today, I have taken away many new learnings and experiences through theoretical and practical practice throughout the day that I believe are going only to benefit anyone that I train! I believe it is crucial that as a PT, I am consistently learning and improving and broadening my scope and knowledge, and it is something I am passionate about!

To top it off, I also squatted 205kg, which was a 5kg personal best.

Simplified Strength Seminar hosted by Sean Mcinroy with Bayley Garnham PT, Auckland

Sean Mcinroy & Bayley

Bayley Garnham 205KB Back Squat - Simplified Strength Seminar hosted by Sean Mcinroy Takapuna Auckland 2023

Bayley Garnham 205KB Back Squat